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For a safe safari in the streets of Paris.

The lion is the most represented animal in art and Paris is their capital. They are more numerous there than in Africa.   An estimate of some 30,000, carved in stone, cast in bronze, stamped in metal, modeled in clay or carved in wood.

Statue animalière en bronze représentant un lion debout flairant un cadavre dont seuls les pieds dépassent du sol


Jardin des Plantes, parterre of the colonnade.

Bronze animal statue representing a standing lion sniffing a corpse whose only feet protrude from the ground, dated 1854, due to the sculptor Alfred Jacquemard and the elder Boyer.

Hôtel de Fieubet ou un lion somnole.


At the corner between the quai des Célestins and the rue du Petit-Musc, the Hôtel de Fieubet or a dozing lion.

La Fontaine aux Lions de Nubie - La Villette


The Nubian Lion Fountain - La Villette

Located at the entrance to the Parc de la Villette, on the Porte de Pantin side, the lion fountain is an Egyptian-style work. The fountain of the Château d'Eau, now at this location, comes from the old crossroads between boulevard Saint-Martin and rue Bondy.

La Fontaine aux Lions de Nubie - La Villette


The Nubian Lion Fountain

Le Lion de Nubie et sa proie (1870) Jardin du Luxembourg


The Nubian Lion and its prey (1870) Jardin du Luxembourg

The feline is represented with its head erect, proud of the prey it has just hunted: an ostrich lying between its paws.

Statue animalière en bronze représentant un lion couché, tenant un chien entre ses pattes


Jardin des Plantes, parterre of the colonnade.

Bronze animal statue representing a lying lion, holding a dog between its paws, due to the sculptor Alfred Jacquemart and the founder Victor Thiébaut, dated 1857. Placed above the cave of the Cuvier entrance with the "Lion sniffing a corpse ".

Jardin des Plantes, statue de Buffon assis dans un fauteuil.


Jardin des Plantes, statue of Buffon seated in an armchair.

the statue of "Buffon seated in his armchair", created by Jean-Marius Carlus in 1909, literally stands in front of the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution.

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Republic Square.

Beneath the monumental statuary, work of Léopold Morice, sculptor (1843-1920).

It represents an allegory of the Republic. A bronze lion 3 m high adds its strength to that of universal suffrage.

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Garden of plants

Lions de l'Atlas


Jardin des Plantes, in the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution, Barbary lion and Cape lion in the room of extinct animals.


Lion in the Luxembourg Gardens

Lion (1813) by Jean-Baptiste Henraux (1775-1843) | Marble.


Lion seated rue Lobau in front of the Town Hall


Auguste Cain, a French sculptor, was born on 10 November 1821 in Paris. The son of a butcher, he worked for several years as an apprentice to his father. He studied with François Rude and frequented the Jardin des Plantes, where he studied the attitudes of wild animals. From the 1860s onwards, he was commissioned by the state to create monumental works in bronze: 
bronze lionesses now in the Louvre and groups of lions and tigers for the Tuileries.
In 1879, as an animal sculptor, he was nicknamed "the lion and tiger statuary".



Lion seated rue Lobau in front of the Town Hall


Auguste Cain, a French sculptor, was born on 10 November 1821 in Paris. The son of a butcher, he worked for several years as an apprentice to his father. He studied with François Rude and frequented the Jardin des Plantes, where he studied the attitudes of wild animals. From the 1860s onwards, he was commissioned by the state to create monumental works in bronze: 
bronze lionesses now in the Louvre and groups of lions and tigers for the Tuileries.
In 1879, as an animal sculptor, he was nicknamed "the lion and tiger statuary".



Lion seated rue Lobau in front of the Town Hall


Lion seated rue Lobau in front of the Town Hall


Lion seated rue Lobau in front of the Town Hall

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