The Louvre from the Tuileries Garden

The Tuileries Garden

Le jardin des Tuileries, ce théâtre de la contemplation, où les ombres dansent avec les rayons du soleil couchant, offre un refuge à ceux qui cherchent une échappée de l'agitation urbaine. Les allées, comme des veines sinueuses, serpentent entre les massifs de fleurs et les sculptures immortelles, invitant les promeneurs à se perdre dans ce labyrinthe de verdure. Les arbres majestueux, gardiens silencieux de tant de secrets, étendent leurs branches en un ballet gracieux, caressant le ciel étoilé de leur feuillage. Ici, le temps se dérobe, se distord dans une mélodie délicate, tandis que les pas légers des visiteurs résonnent sur les chemins de gravier. Les bancs de pierre offrent des sièges solitaires, des refuges où les âmes esseulées peuvent se perdre dans leurs pensées, bercées par le murmure des fontaines. Les regards se croisent, des regards furtifs, empreints de mystère, comme des éclairs qui illuminent fugacement les visages de passants anonymes. Au cœur du jardin, l'étang des Tuileries étend son miroir d'eau, reflétant les nuages qui se déplacent lentement dans le ciel. Les pigeons, figures omniprésentes de ce tableau, picorent le sol à la recherche de quelques miettes de pain jetées négligemment par les visiteurs. Le jardin des Tuileries, avec sa mélancolie envoûtante, est un écho du passé, une invitation à la contemplation et à la rêverie. Dans cet espace hors du temps, la nature et l'art se rejoignent, créant un tableau vivant, une symphonie visuelle qui résonne en harmonie avec les battements du cœur. C'est là que l'on comprend, ne serait-ce qu'un instant, que la beauté fragile du monde peut être capturée, éternisée dans nos souvenirs, même lorsque les saisons changent et que les générations se succèdent.

Les statues de nues féminins de Maillol, posées dans le jardin des Tuileries, ont des formes douces et harmonieuses qui invitent à la contemplation.Certaines se tiennent debout, fières et altières, leurs bras étendus vers le ciel comme pour saisir les étoiles. D'autres sont assises, les jambes croisées, semblant attendre sereinement le passage des saisons. Leurs courbes délicates, leurs hanches arrondies, leurs seins dévoilés, évoquent une sensualité apaisée, une beauté délicate qui n'a pas besoin de mots pour s'exprimer. On pourrait presque entendre leurs soupirs silencieux, leurs murmures délicats emportés par le vent. Elles sont là, parmi les parterres de fleurs et les allées ombragées, offrant leur présence silencieuse. Les enfants, insouciants et curieux, courent autour d'elles, s'arrêtant parfois pour effleurer leurs corps froids, cherchant à comprendre ce qu'elles cachent derrière leur immobilité. Les amoureux, main dans la main, s'arrêtent un instant pour échanger un baiser. Alors, chers visiteurs, prenez le temps de vous arrêter devant ces statues de nues féminins de Maillol, laissez-vous emporter par leur mystère et leur éternelle présence. Car dans leurs courbes immobiles se cache peut-être un fragment de vérité sur la nature humaine, sur nos désirs et nos rêves les plus profonds.
The Carousel of the Louvre

The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel is like a magic wand in the heart of Paris. It looks as if it was built to tease the clouds and tickle the sky. With its columns that seem to dance a jig and its sculptures that make faces at passers-by, it is the merry rascal of the square. It tells incredible stories to the curious who stop to admire it, epic battles and triumphant conquests. As you can see, the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel has a lot to tell, but it jealously guards its secrets, leaving dreamers to invent their own legends.
Exteriors of the Louvre

Les façades extérieures du Louvre sont comme les pages d'un livre géant, racontant l'histoire de l'art à travers les âges. Elles se dressent fièrement, telles des sentinelles de la beauté, offrant un spectacle visuel éblouissant. Les colonnes majestueuses et les ornements délicats captent la lumière du soleil, créant des jeux d'ombres et de reflets qui animent ces murs chargés d'émotion. On y découvre des détails exquis, des sculptures qui semblent prendre vie, des bas-reliefs qui évoquent des légendes oubliées. Les façades du Louvre sont une invitation à la contemplation, une ode à la grandeur de l'art qui transcende le temps et nourrit l'imaginaire de ceux qui s'y perdent avec délice.
The Louvre pyramid

The Louvre Pyramid is a cheeky nod to the past, an architectural farce in the midst of classical elegance. It stands there like a stranger lost in a royal court, attracting all eyes with its impertinent audacity. Purists cry sacrilege, but she doesn't care about their criticisms. It shines with a thousand lights, reflecting the sky and the amazed smiles of visitors. It is said to be mysterious, perhaps guarding the museum's best-kept secrets. Some find it disturbing, others love it for its quirky originality. Whatever the case, the Louvre Pyramid is there for all to see, with a wry smile on its lips and a knowing wink to those who appreciate its unique charm.
The Tuileries Garden and the Louvre

L'axe historique de Paris ou voie royale est une voie rectiligne qui traverse l'ouest de Paris.Elle va du Louvre au cœur de Paris jusque, une dizaine de kilomètres plus à l'ouest, le quartier d'affaires de La Défense

L'axe historique de Paris ou voie royale est une voie rectiligne qui traverse l'ouest de Paris.Elle va du Louvre au cœur de Paris jusque, une dizaine de kilomètres plus à l'ouest, le quartier d'affaires de La Défense
The Triumphal Way, from the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel to the Arche de La Défense, is like a marathon of elegance and excess. The avenues stretch out like red carpets, inviting visitors to a frantic race through history and architecture. The city's monuments compete with each other for attention, like rivals in a farcical competition. The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel prepares for the start with its majestic air, while the Arche de La Défense stands proudly at the finish, ready to receive the applause. In between, it's a festival of statues, fountains and grandiose vistas. The voie triomphale is an obstacle course for lovers of beauty and architecture, a walk to marvel at and try to keep up with the frantic pace of this madcap race through time and space.
Musée de l'Orangerie

The Musée de l'Orangerie in the Tuileries is like an enchanted bubble where Monet's water lilies come to life and play tricks on visitors. You enter as if in a dream, with the irresistible urge to plunge into these aquatic landscapes and lose yourself in them. Like capricious divas, Monet's canvases splash the walls with shimmering colours and magical reflections. You find yourself wanting to touch the water with your fingertips, to breathe in the fragrance of imaginary flowers. Visitors stroll through with the blissful air of an art lover entranced by the artist's palette. The water lilies are the undisputed stars of this silent theatre, where words are replaced by murmurs of contemplation and sighs of admiration. The Musée de l'Orangerie is an invitation to a poetic escapade into a world where the water lilies become masters of ceremony and reality dissolves in a swirl of colour.
General view of the Louvre

Seen from the air, the Louvre is like a game carpet for curious giants. It looks like an immense chessboard where the pieces are extravagantly shaped buildings. The roofs reveal themselves like complex puzzles, while the inner courtyards resemble secret labyrinths. The sculptures on the façades suddenly wake up, coming to life to play a game of hide-and-seek. You can almost hear their mocking laughter as they hide behind the columns and statues. And at the very centre, the Louvre pyramid reigns like a capricious queen, defying the laws of gravity. Seen from above, the Louvre is a unique perspective that reminds us that art has no borders, not even those of the sky.
On the quays - Booksellers

Sur les rives paisibles de la Seine, se déploie un monde enchanteur, un trésor caché dans les étales des bouquinistes. Des livres d'occasion, écornés par le temps, s'alignent en une mosaïque de couleurs et de lettres, créant un paysage poétique à part entière. Les bouquinistes, gardiens de la littérature et des mots oubliés, se tiennent là, tels des gardiens de trésors littéraires. Leurs étals, parsemés de livres anciens, de romans oubliés et de poésies éternelles, attirent les âmes curieuses, en quête d'une histoire oubliée ou d'une émotion retrouvée. Chaque livre est un voyage dans le temps, une porte ouverte vers des mondes inconnus. Les bouquinistes, érudits passionnés, partagent leurs connaissances avec enthousiasme, dévoilant les secrets et les anecdotes qui habitent ces pages jaunies. Le murmure de la Seine, tel un complice, accompagne les flâneurs et les chercheurs de trésors. Les rayons du soleil filtrent à travers les branches des arbres, caressant les livres d'une lumière douce. Les amoureux des mots s'attardent, fouillant dans les piles, cherchant l'édition rare ou le recueil de poésie qui résonnera en eux comme une mélodie intemporelle. Au fil des saisons, les bouquinistes s'animent, déployant leurs trésors au rythme des promeneurs. Les étals se parent de bouquets de fleurs sauvages, de cartes postales anciennes et de gravures d'époque. Les bouquinistes de la Seine sont les gardiens d'une tradition ancienne, d'un héritage culturel qui se transmet de génération en génération. Ils sont les témoins silencieux des histoires qui se nouent, des mots qui résonnent et des émotions qui se libèrent. Leur présence humble et bienveillante est un hommage à l'amour des livres, à la puissance des mots, et à la beauté intemporelle de la littérature.
Saint Germain l'Auxerrois

Ah, Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois is like an eccentric old aunt in the family of Parisian churches. It stands there, looking imposing and saying: "I've been here for ages, so please respect me! Tourists walk past, wondering if it's open or just in siesta mode. And yet, when you dare to push open its large doors, you discover an interior that shines with a thousand lights. It's as if she's saying to us: "Yes, I can be pretty when I want to! But that doesn't mean I'll smile every time!
At Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, she reminds us that we should never judge a book by its cover, or a church by its appearance.
The Vendome Column

The Vendôme column is an emblematic monument steeped in symbolism and history. Erected in the 19th century, it pays tribute to the military victories of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.
This imposing column, 44 metres high, is entirely clad in bronze plates taken from cannons captured in battle. It is adorned with bas-reliefs depicting war scenes, capturing the heroic spirit of Napoleon's battles.
The Vendôme Column is a true masterpiece of engineering and sculpture. Its design and aesthetics make it a symbol of power and grandeur.
At the foot of the column is the famous Place Vendôme, an elegant and prestigious square surrounded by private mansions and luxury boutiques. It's a must for lovers of fashion and fine jewellery.
As you stroll through the alleys of the Palais-Royal, you can feel the atmosphere of history and culture that reigns there. It's a place where past and present meet, where elegance and creativity combine to create a unique experience.
Li Chen exhibited his giant sculptures on Place Vendôme
From September 2 to September 29, 2013

Li Chen est né à Taiwan en 1963, il vit et travaille à Taipei et à Shanghai. 61e artiste du « Top 500 des artistes » 2012 établi par Artprice, Li Chen bénéficie depuis plus de dix ans d’une large reconnaissance en Asie et aux Etats-Unis où son travail a déjà fait l’objet de prestigieuses expositions : au Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall de Taipei (Taiwan) en 2011, au Singapore Art Museum (Singapour) en 2009 et au Frye Art Museum à Seattle (Etats- Unis) en 2012.

Une œuvre inspirée des écritures taoïste et bouddhiste Avant tout philosophique, l’œuvre de Li Chen est tournée vers l’avenir et puise sa force tant dans le présent que le passé. Ses sculptures figuratives sont inspirées d’une lecture moderne des écritures taoïstes et bouddhistes qu’il aborde en les appliquant aux problématiques contemporaines.

Li Chen est né à Taiwan en 1963, il vit et travaille à Taipei et à Shanghai. 61e artiste du « Top 500 des artistes » 2012 établi par Artprice, Li Chen bénéficie depuis plus de dix ans d’une large reconnaissance en Asie et aux Etats-Unis où son travail a déjà fait l’objet de prestigieuses expositions : au Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall de Taipei (Taiwan) en 2011, au Singapore Art Museum (Singapour) en 2009 et au Frye Art Museum à Seattle (Etats- Unis) en 2012.
St. Roch Church

Concert spirituel avec le Jeune Choeur Liturgique

Concert spirituel avec le Jeune Choeur Liturgique
The Saint-Roch church, nestled in the heart of the first arrondissement of Paris, is a real architectural gem. Built in the 17th century, this Catholic church is a remarkable testimony to the French Baroque style. As soon as one crosses the doors of this sacred building, one is transported into a universe of beauty and spirituality.
Visitors are immediately struck by the majesty of the nave, with its imposing columns and elegant vaults. Divine light, filtered through the colorful stained glass windows, floods the space and creates a peaceful and collected atmosphere. The meticulous details of the interior decoration, from the delicate carvings to the magnificent frescoes, testify to the skill of the artists who contributed to the construction of this church.
But the Saint-Roch church is not limited to its architectural beauty. It is also a place of faith and devotion for many faithful Parisians. Religious services, ceremonies and spiritual concerts are regularly organized there, offering an opportunity for meditation and communion.
Le Palais-Royal

The Palais-Royal is an iconic building steeped in history and beauty. Built in the 17th century, it has been the scene of many intrigues and significant events in French history.
This majestic palace is surrounded by a superb formal garden, offering a haven of greenery and tranquillity right in the heart of the city. The shady paths, carefully tended flowerbeds and refreshing fountains create a serene, soothing atmosphere.
At the centre of the garden is the famous Cour d'Honneur, with its black and white striped columns giving it a unique elegance. It is a popular place to stroll for Parisians and tourists alike, who come here to relax and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
But the Palais-Royal is more than just architecture and gardens. It is also a mecca for Parisian culture. The Comédie-Française, one of the oldest and most prestigious theatrical institutions in the world, has been based there since 1799. Numerous shows are staged here throughout the year, attracting theatre lovers from all over the world.
The Palais-Royal is also known for its famous Buren columns, a contemporary art installation that creates a striking contrast with the palace's classical architecture. These black-and-white columns offer a play of perspectives and reflections, making them a must-see piece of urban art in Paris.
As you stroll through the alleys of the Palais-Royal, you can feel the atmosphere of history and culture that reigns there. It's a place where past and present meet, where elegance and creativity combine to create a unique experience.
Bar de l'Entracte, rue de Montpensier

Le bar de l'Entracte is a bit like a comedy in three acts. As soon as you cross the threshold, you enter a world apart, where time stands still and laughter flows like well-honed lines. The décor is an eclectic mix of posters from past shows, photos of celebrities and well-deserved table football trophies.
The barman, a veritable master of ceremonies, juggles orders and juicy stories, serving cocktails with a smile as playful as that of an actor on stage. Customers, regulars and newcomers alike, mingle in a joyous cacophony, sharing theatrical anecdotes, cinephile comments and passionate debates about the latest play on the bill.
The tables, with their patina of overturned glasses and bursts of laughter, are the scene of unlikely encounters. Here, a budding author declaims his verses; over there, an actor in rehearsal recites his lines in mime. Conversations flow in a melodious hubbub, punctuated by the clink of glasses and contagious bursts of laughter.
The bar at l'Entracte is a joyous artistic chaos, a place where laughter and memories mingle in a quirky symphony. We come here to escape the everyday, to share moments of conviviality and to celebrate art in all its forms. After all, in this world, every customer is a shining star, ready to play their own part in the comedy of life.
Passage Vero-Dodat

Le passage Véro-Dodat, This narrow corridor of delicate boutiques is a hidden gem in the heart of Paris. As you enter, you are transported back in time to an era when elegant women strolled around in their finest finery, in search of the latest fashions. The shop windows sparkle with refined jewellery, satin shoes and feathered hats, attracting the amazed gazes of strollers in search of an escape into luxury and opulence.
The hurried footsteps of passers-by intermingle with the murmur of negotiations and the hushed laughter of deals being struck, creating a discreet symphony of worldly life.
The boutiques, veritable alcoves of temptation, proudly display their treasures. The craftsmen, true goldsmiths of commerce, bustle about behind their counters, skilful and attentive to satisfying the most demanding desires of their distinguished clientele. The stalls overflow with curiosities and objets d'art, captivating collectors eager for rarities and history. In this passage, riches rub shoulders and vie for attention, and each shop is a little world of its own, bearing witness to human aspirations and vanities.
The Passage Véro-Dodat is much more than just a place to pass through; it's a living tableau that captures the essence of the times.
Banque de France

La Banque de France rue Croix des Petits-Champs

The Banque de France is like an impenetrable fortress, jealously guarding its treasures. You can imagine the vaults hidden behind armoured doors, containing mountains of gold bars and bundles of notes that would make Scrooge himself green with envy. The employees, dressed in strict suits, seem to be the secret guardians of this financial kingdom. But don't ask for a loan to buy a yacht or a haunted castle - that's not why they're here! It is in this imposing building that the mysteries of the economy are played out, where figures and exchange rates dance a complex waltz. The Banque de France is the headquarters of the financial world, where dollars and euros are the heroes of a never-ending story.
The Trade Exchange

La bourse de commerce, once the haunt of seasoned traders, has now been transformed into a flamboyant museum. The quotation screens have been replaced by works of art, the shrill cries of brokers by the admiring murmurs of visitors. We wonder whether the paintings hanging on the walls have any influence on the art market, whether investing in a masterpiece yields more than stock market shares. Visitors wander between the majestic columns, wondering whether the allegorical paintings conceal advice on how to succeed in life. But don't expect to find shares on sale here - this is where art reigns supreme and finance takes on its shimmering colours. The stock exchange turned museum is a delightful metaphor where gains are measured in aesthetic emotions rather than financial returns.
Rivoli Street

Around the bend in the Rue de Rivoli, the glimmer of the city is reflected in the windows of sleepy shops. It's a street where shadows and silence mingle, where footsteps echo on the time-worn cobblestones.
The anonymous passers-by hurry past without looking at each other, absorbed in their own thoughts. Their faces fade into the greyness of the street. Snatches of conversation drift from the café terraces, mingling with the wisps of smoke. Lost words, fragments of lives scattered across time.
The windows of the bookshops, like portals to other worlds, offer literary escapes in this ocean of noise and movement. Books, relics of the past, wait patiently to be rediscovered by souls in search of escape. They are the silent guardians of buried memories.
The Rue de Rivoli is also a passageway to a bygone era. Elegant arcades recall the imprint of Napoleon, vestiges of past grandeur. The curves of the buildings seem to whisper secrets, intrigues hidden in the twists and turns of history.
At dusk, the lights of the streetlamps come to life, lending a mysterious aura to this nostalgic street. The shadows stretch out, playing with the uncertain contours of the facades.
Saint-Eustache Church

In the heart of Paris, where the cobblestones sing their stories, stands the church of Saint-Eustache, witness to so many lives, so many prayers. It stands proudly, like a sentinel, in solemn silence.
Its stone walls, marked by the passage of time, tell of the echoes of past generations. The grimacing gargoyles, mute witnesses to sorrows and joys, watch benevolently over this sacred dwelling. Their stone eyes scrutinise the souls who kneel in the shadows of the majestic vaults.
Inside, the subdued light dances with the coloured stained glass windows, casting magical reflections on the imposing pillars. The statues of saints, frozen in their eternity, seem to come alive in the imaginations of the faithful. Their gentle, serene faces invite contemplation and the quest for a soothing spirituality.
The sacred chants resonate under the vaults, rising to the heavens like whispered prayers. The powerful organ exhales its celestial notes. The faithful meditate, bathed in an atmosphere of solemnity.
In the heart of the old Halles de Paris, where the shimmering smells and dizzying noise mingled in a chaotic symphony, Saint-Eustache stood proudly, like a stone sentinel among the colourful stalls. Busy shopkeepers, creaking trolleys and the joyous cries of the merchants formed the lively backdrop to this emblematic site.
Saint-Eustache, protector of souls lost in the labyrinth of Les Halles, offered shelter and serenity amid the bustle of Parisian life.
Fountain of the Innocents

La Fontaine des Innocents, a monument enthroned in the middle of the square, like a faded old aunt who refuses to give up her place. The Fountain of the Innocents, the true diva of the Place Joachim du Bellay, poses with insolent elegance. It struts its stuff surrounded by mythological creatures. With her haughty air, one might almost imagine that she demands a red carpet and applause every time a passer-by approaches. But make no mistake, behind this undeniable charm lies a dark story, that of the anonymous bodies lying beneath her feet. So if you ever decide to give her a bouquet of flowers, make sure they're thornless.
Place du Châtelet

In the bustling Place du Châtelet, life pulsates with raw, wild energy. Cars whiz past, horns blare and the cacophony of voices fills the air. The vibrant rhythm of the city beats in the veins of this place. Cafés line the perimeter of the square, their terraces buzzing with conversation and clinking glasses. In the midst of all this bustle, the Théâtre de la Ville stands like a grande dame, its marquee heralding tales of passion and intrigue.
In the heart of the Châtelet, amid the chaos and fervour, you can't help but feel alive. The spirit of adventure is omnipresent, promising unforgettable moments and untold stories. It's a place where dreams are born and the magic of Paris comes to life, unyielding and uncompromising.
In the centre, the monumental Palm Fountain rises up, a majestic tribute to the glory of Napoleon's victories. Its gushing water offers a refreshing respite from the summer heat.
Conciergerie - Palais de Justice

Le Palais de justice, a veritable stone colossus, sits enthroned on the Île de la Cité, ready to judge the slightest offence committed in the capital. Its thick walls seem to jealously guard the secrets of court cases, while the lawyers, like conjurers, use words like magic tricks to plead their case. The black robes and gowns give the place the air of a permanent costume ball, where the protagonists engage in an oratorical dance in which every word counts. One wonders whether the walls of the Palais have ears, whether they whisper advice to the judges or listen attentively to the pleadings before delivering their verdict. And if sometimes the building seems to shake under the weight of the cases that take place there, it is perhaps simply because it needs a few stretches after a marathon session of justice. The Palais de Justice is the temple of law, where justice is clothed in solemnity and humour remains at the door, unless you manage to slip a subtle pun into your pleading.
The Sainte-Chapelle

The Sainte Chapelle, an architectural gem in the heart of Paris, seems to have stepped straight out of a fairytale. Its shimmering stained glass windows transform light into a bewitching spectacle, making the eyes of astonished visitors shine. It is said that the angels adorning the vaults can hear the wishes of visitors, but it is advisable not to abuse this celestial function too much, otherwise you could end up with wishes granted a little too literally. So open your eyes wide and let yourself be enchanted by the magic of this sacred setting. The Sainte Chapelle is a place where faith meets wonder, where angels have an angelic sense of humour.
Place Dauphine

The Place Dauphine, frozen in time, stands like a yellowed page from a forgotten romance novel. The façades of the buildings seem to whisper the secrets of the clandestine lovers who once embraced there. You can imagine the fleeting shadows of Modiano's characters slipping through the arcades, their faces hidden by wisps of cigarette smoke. The pigeons, peaceful witnesses to so many intrigues, peck at the crumbs of baguettes left on the public benches. The Place Dauphine is a tableau frozen in the past, a place where the ghosts of love stories mingle with the echoes of distant conversations. And if you listen carefully, you could almost hear the muffled laughter of a solitary writer, savouring the irony of fate from a nearby café.